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The $24,000 Tax Time Bomb

A key lesson within EVERY tax surprise What follows is a true story. A story with a sad ending. But one that has a lesson for everyone. Stick with the …

You Owe Us, Not Them!

State tax authorities clamp down If you work remotely in another state or are thinking about changing your residence from one state to another, you may be caught in the …

Tax Planning with Mutual Funds

Ten ideas to maximize the benefits of your investments Mutual funds benefit from the long-standing belief that they allow investors to diversify their holdings without buying individual stocks. But to …

Don’t Lose Your Refund!

The tax filing due date often brings a sigh of relief to most taxpayers. Unfortunately, every tax day also closes the window on the ability to claim a refund. According …

A Letter from the IRS!

What steps you should take If you receive a notice from the IRS, do not automatically assume it is correct and submit payment to make it go away. Because of …